The question on every dough lover's mind is: are bagels healthier than bread? Whether you’re a health-conscious bagel lover looking for reassurance or a bread-loving human looking to defend your morning toast routine; we’re breaking down whether or not bagels can be healthy.
What’s the Difference Between a Bagel and Bread
Before we can determine if bagels are healthier than bread, we first need to understand the difference between the two.
First, let’s talk about what makes a bagel a bagel. Britannica defines a bagel as a “ “doughnut-shaped yeast-leavened roll that is characterized by a crisp, shiny crust and a dense interior”. Bagels tend to be boiled and high in gluten proteins however, The Greater Knead has formulated a delicious gluten-free recipe to replicate the deliciousness of a bagel without the commonly triggering protein.
Bread, on the other hand, is defined by Merriam Webster as “a usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent is flour or meal”. Typically bread tends to be softer and airy texture compared to bagels. They also don’t have any wholes (if made correctly).
So which is healthier: bagels or bread?

Are Bagels Healthier Than Bread?
Now let’s get to the real reason you’re here: are bagels healthier than bread? First, understand, bagels and bread come in all shapes, sizes, and nutrition profiles. So the answer to this question is not as black and white as you might expect.
First, bagels can have more calories and carbs than bread because the serving size tends to be higher. However, this does not inherently make bagels less healthy, it just means when you eat a bagel you need to pay attention to how much you’re eating and what you’re pairing with it.
Second, depending on what kind of grains a bagel or bread is made with will change the health benefits. Bagels and bread made with whole grains offer arguably more nutrition than their refined-grain counterparts. This is because whole grains have a higher nutrient and fiber content that supports overall health.
So can we say one is healthier than the other? The answer is it really depends on what types of bagels and bread we are comparing and what your health goals are.
What Makes a Bagel Healthy?
So can a bagel be healthy? As mentioned above, whole grain bagels can be a great source of fiber and nutrients. Not to mention they can offer much-needed calories and carbs to fuel you throughout the day. And if paired with the right foods, the calories and carbs can offer you long-lasting energy.
For example, topping a bagel with avocado and salmon can offer you a balanced meal of healthy fats, protein, and carbs. Giving you a filling meal to last you for hours as the fat and protein slow the release of energy from the carbs during digestion. If the bagel has fiber and whole grains, the energy lasting power is boosted even higher.
Additionally, paying attention to your fullness levels when eating bagels can help keep them healthy too. As you’re making sure you’re not continuing to eat the bagel beyond fullness to avoid overeating, bloating, and discomfort.
And ultimately, what makes a bagel healthy is making sure you pick the bagel that meets your needs. Ideally, it’s filling, satisfying, and tasty. So for example, if you have celiac and need to be gluten-free, you’re picking a gluten-free option. Or if you have food allergies and need to avoid common allergens, you’re picking a bagel that is allergen-free.
Luckily, if any of those scenarios sound like you, Greater Knead Bagels are both gluten-free and top 9 allergen-free. Not to mention our bagels have 4g of fiber to help nourish and support your digestive system. Order some today with this link!